Sunday, October 4, 2009

Changing HIS-Story, Copywright to God's Word and Give or Take a Couple Million Years

I've said it before, lemme state it again -- I'm aware that I have a hang-up with past (and present) "educators" NOT throwing in the disclaimer that what they teach is "true in most cases" or "generally speaking" or that there are "some or many exceptions" to the rules and so-called absolutes they profess. But seriously, instead of teaching "history", why not explain it as "timeline work in progress" or something like that. Well, it's been a long time since I've been in school...maybe they do now. But I know when IIIIIII was in school, things were pretty much carved in stone (so-to-speak): took tests & quizzes with ?s like "what year did the egyptians ____?" or "Columbus DISCOVERED America in _____" as if somebody WAS THERE to witness this. When they discover a new pyramid or obelisk, should they say, "Oh, by the way, can you push the date back about 30,000 years in that timeline I just made you kids fill out?"?! Nevermind that it may interfere or overlap some other part of HIS-story that doesn't reconcile. Or maybe it does NOT fit in well, so they (whoever THEY are) just decide to leave that part out or push it to the side.

I know, I's kinda petty, but IF IIIIIIII RULED THE WORLD, I would tell people straight up -- this is how it looks NOW...subject to change pending scientific advances, political agendas, updating the bible, biases of those who write history books, etc.

Okay, now that THAT'S outta the way...

Give or Take 10 Million Years
Updating Bible
Someone Holds Copywright to Word of GOD?!

I'm just sayin....

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