Monday, August 24, 2009

pop-tart philosophy

(originally posted on august 10, 2009)

Before 9am: I put my Pop-Tart (still young at heart) into the toaster oven this morning, then turn the knob/dial which acts like a timer, slowly turning until it “dings” shutting off the heat (old school, I know). But I notice that my Pop-Tart is hot enough, so I apply gentle pressure, turning the dial in an attempt to “hurry it up,” forcing it to “ding” early. Then I think, hmm, what if a youngster saw me and asked me if I just made time go faster; I forced the dial to “ding” faster than it would on its own. Does that mean then that another “force” can also speed up (or slow down) things that WE humans use to measure time, such as light? How would I, or YOU, answer a youngster if he/she asked you about altering “time” as I did on the toaster oven?

1 comment:

  1. Alright Einstein..I will take a stab at this since Eintstein and I have so many similiar qualities that we are basically blood related. I will first start out by saying that the "force" that can speed up or slow down time is gravity.I could get into more specifics about that, but I won't. If a child asked that question, all I would tell them is that no I did not speed up time and I just turned off the toaster. I would make the focal point the "toaster" and not "time". I know you wouldn't do this and you would just try to confuse the child trying to explain time. Go with the logical approach.
