Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Backward Red Light

@ crosswalk: the yellow light signifies when a light is about to turn red. why not have a red light where...when the light is going from red to green, the yellow light illuminates WITH the red light signifying it's about to turn green... and then the green light illuminates while the red and yellow lights are now extinguished. gives new functionality to the yellow light: instead of only signifying a red light is about to come, it can now signify a green light allowing vehicles approaching to avoid slowing down and braking unnecessarily saving gas and brake pads.

Uh oh...somebody's knocking at my door violently. representatives from midas are here with men in black...HEEEELLLLLP!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok...See this would make somewhat sense...However, to do this you would need to change the "definition" of a yellow light. You would then have to change the definition in the DMV handbook and then "everyone" would have to re-read the book to understand this new rule and we all know how much fun it is to read the DMV handbook. Also, all of the traffic lights would have to be re-wired for this new indication. Who would foot the bill? The taxpayers. But don't forget...There would have to be a commitee, well at least in Seattle, for this new process and the overall would take about 20 years. My suggestion....Look at the crosswalk indicators and look at the seconds left on them. That is a good indication of when the light is going to turn green.
